Operations with encrypted files

To perform operations with encrypted files, including file encryption, decryption, creation, editing and sharing, ONLYOFFICE uses the individual credentials of users (RSA key pair) and a document password (document encryption key). The processes of uploading and sharing encrypted files are described here.

To upload encrypted files in the desktop app, replace the standard input type = file call with the cloudCryptoCommand function with the upload type. The params object has the following values:

Name Description Type Example
Defines the Encryption plugin ID. string "{FFF0E1EB-13DB-4678-B67D-FF0A41DBBCEF}"
Defines the document types that can be encrypted. string "*.docx *.xlsx *.pptx"
Currently, it is possible to encrypt only OOXML formats, which are DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX.
window.AscDesktopEditor.cloudCryptoCommand("upload", {
    "cryptoEngineId": "{FFF0E1EB-13DB-4678-B67D-FF0A41DBBCEF}",
    "filter": "*.docx *.xlsx *.pptx"

After the user chooses the files, they will be encrypted in a loop and transferred to callback:

    "bytes": [...],
    "name": "Example Document Title.docx",
    "isCrypto": true

To share the encrypted document, call the cloudCryptoCommand function with the share type. The params object has the following values:

Name Description Type Example
Defines the Encryption plugin ID. string "{FFF0E1EB-13DB-4678-B67D-FF0A41DBBCEF}"
Defines the absolute url to the document. string "https://example.com/url-to-example-document.docx"
Defines the pairs of user ids and associated public keys. array [{"userId":"78e1e841","publicKey":"yyy"}, ...]
    "cryptoEngineId": "{FFF0E1EB-13DB-4678-B67D-FF0A41DBBCEF}",
    "file": ["https://example.com/url-to-example-document.docx" ],
    "keys":[{"userId":"78e1e841","publicKey":"yyy"}, ...]

The file is uploaded by the desktop app and encrypted. The access rights to the file are transferred to it with keys. After that, it is transmitted to callback:

    "bytes": [...],
    "isCrypto": true