Authorization Flow
When the user goes to the authorization link, four scenarios are possible.
Scenario 1. User authorization
If the user is not yet authorized on the portal, an authorization form opens. The user must enter their email and password and click the Sign in button. If the authorization is successful, they will be redirected to the pages described in scenarios 2 and 3.

Scenario 2. Portal selection
If the user has more than one portal with the entered personal data, they will be redirected to the page for choosing the necessary one.

Scenario 3. Consent page
If the user is already authorized on the portal, they will be redirected to a consent page where all the application abilities will be listed and the URLs to the privacy policy and terms of service will be displayed. Also there will be the possibility to change the user profile.
Click Allow or Deny to finish the authorization flow.

Scenario 4. Error page
If the authorization link contains non-existent client_id and redirect_uri, the user will be redirected to the DocSpace error page.

How it works
When the user clicks the Allow button on the consent page, they will be redirected to redirect_uri where the code field will be added to the search.
If the user clicks the Deny button on the consent page, they will be redirected to redirect_uri with an error, without the possibility to get JWT.
The application exchanges the user code for the access token and refresh token, save them to its storage, and use these tokens to get the access to the DocSpace API.
The application sends the POST request:
The parameters that must be specified in the request body depends on the client type.
For client_secret_post
The ID of the client that will be used for authorization.
Example: 695d37b7-18aa-4033-91b4-09690178e99a
The secret of the client that will be used for authorization.
Example: 49487362-7d4a-471f-bbf3-c04e2e1c541f
The OAuth grant type.
Example: authorization_code
A temporary authorization code that is sent to the client to be exchanged for a token.
Example: OENBaHXhZStQ9eDVIq1NlHu6luruKqJtCp6RhgOFXAeAp4YWoUHtOkGYCPtW7l8T-qtZaoUnmvtHZuJbb3d-wgYtHOKhd-nqisoeiO91u-Z9fsnhtiO318JmihPflIpV
The URL where the user will be redirected after successful or unsuccessful authentication.
For client with PKCE
For the client with PKCE, the parameters are the same as for client_secret_post, but the client_secret must be replaced with the code_verifier.
The code verifier, a cryptographically random string between 43 and 128 characters long.
Example: a50883696b67d1e91e52be26d86b78ae902b354a4b3a8965aaffbe30fc8056c8b9afa066