Inserts special symbols into the document.
Plugin type: visual, non-system.
Supported editors: documents, spreadsheets, presentations.
Download this plugin from GitHub and install it following the desktop, on-premises, or cloud installation instructions.
Repository on GitHub:
{ "name": "Symbol Table", "nameLocale": { "fr": "Table des symboles", "es": "Tabla de símbolos", "de": "Symboltabelle" }, "guid": "asc.{03C18A8D-8E01-444A-86EB-EDDFA7773157}", "baseUrl": "", "variations": [ { "description": "Symbol Table", "descriptionLocale": { "fr": "Table des symboles", "es": "Tabla de símbolos", "de": "Symboltabelle" }, "url": "index.html", "icons": [ "resources/img/icon.png", "resources/img/icon@2x.png", "resources/img/icon2.png", "resources/img/icon2@2x.png" ], "isViewer": false, "EditorsSupport": [ "word", "cell", "slide" ], "isVisual": true, "isModal": false, "isInsideMode": true, "initDataType": "html", "initData": "", "buttons": [ { "text": "Insert", "primary": true, "textLocale": { "fr": "Insérer", "es": "Insertar", "de": "Einfügen" } }, { "text": "Cancel", "primary": false, "textLocale": { "fr": "Annuler", "es": "Cancelar", "de": "Abbrechen" } } ], "size": [ 600, 700 ] } ] }
If you want to request a feature or report a bug regarding this plugin, use the issues section on GitHub.