
Add comments and change cell colors in spreadsheet

Adds comments to the cells in the selection and can also change the background color of the cells.

(function () {
var oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet();
var oRange = Api.GetSelection();
oRange.ForEach(function (range) {
var sValue = range.GetValue();
if (sValue > 100) {
range.AddComment("The value is bigger than 100.");
range.SetFillColor(Api.CreateColorFromRGB(255, 213, 191));
} else {
range.AddComment("The value is less than 100.");
range.SetFillColor(Api.CreateColorFromRGB(204, 255, 255));

Methods used: GetActiveSheet, GetSelection, ForEach, GetValue, AddComment, SetFillColor, CreateColorFromRGB

Reference Microsoft VBA macro code

Sub SimpleAddCommentsAndChangeColor()
Range("A1").AddComment "This is a comment for A1"
Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub


Add comments and change cell colors in spreadsheetAdd comments and change cell colors in spreadsheet