
Modal dialog.

Interface: IModalDialog.

See the parameters of this component in storybook.

Modal dialog

To change the modal dialog type, use ModalDisplayType (modal or aside).

Extra parameters
Name Description Type Example
Specifies whether to display the modal dialog body in the full screen mode without paddings. boolean true
import {Actions, Components, IBox, IFrame, IMessage, IModalDialog, ISkeleton, ModalDisplayType} from "@onlyoffice/docspace-plugin-sdk";

export const frameProps: IFrame = {
    "width": "100%",
    "height": "100%",
    "name": "test-drawio",
    "src": "",

const skeletonProps: ISkeleton = {
    "width": "100%",
    "height": "100%",

const body: IBox = {
    "widthProp": "100vw",
    "heightProp": "calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 100)",

    "children": [
            "component": Components.iFrame,
            "props": frameProps,

const bodySkeleton: IBox = {
    "widthProp": "100vw",
    "heightProp": "calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 100)",
    "children": [
            "component": Components.skeleton,
            "props": skeletonProps,

export const drawIoModalDialogProps: IModalDialog = {
    "dialogHeader": "",
    "dialogBody": body,
    "displayType": ModalDisplayType.modal,
    "onClose": () => {
        const message: IMessage = {
        "actions": [Actions.closeModal],

    return message;

    "onLoad": async () => {
        return {
            "newDialogHeader": drawIoModalDialogProps.dialogHeader,
            "newDialogBody": drawIoModalDialogProps.dialogBody,
    "autoMaxHeight": true,
    "autoMaxWidth": true,