
new CDocBuilderValue

Class used by ONLYOFFICE Document Builder for getting the results of called JS commands. It represents a wrapper for a JS object.


Name Description
Call Calls the specified Document Builder method.
Clear Clears the object.
CreateInstance Creates an instance of the CDocBuilderValue class.
Get Returns an array value by its index.
GetLength Returns the length if this object is an array/typed array.
GetProperty Returns a property of this object.
IsArray Returns true if this object is an array.
IsBool Returns true if this object is a boolean value.
IsDouble Returns true if this object is a double value.
IsEmpty Returns true if this object is empty.
IsFunction Returns true if this object is a function.
IsInt Returns true if this object is an integer.
IsNull Returns true if this object is null.
IsObject Returns true if this object is an object.
IsString Returns true if this object is a string.
IsTypedArray Returns true if this object is a typed array.
IsUndefined Returns true if this object is undefined.
Set Sets an array value by its index.
SetProperty Sets a property to this object.
ToBool Converts this object to a boolean value.
ToDouble Converts this object to a double value.
ToInt Converts this object to an integer.
ToString Converts this object to a string.