
POST /wopi/files/(file_id)/contents

Requests a message to update a file for the HTTP://server/<...>/wopi*/files/<id>/contents operation.

The request body must contain the full file contents in the binary format.

This operation works as follows:

  1. The WOPI host checks if a file is currently locked or not.
  2. If the file is currently locked and the X-WOPI-Lock value does not match the lock currently on the file, the host must return 409 Conflict ("lock mismatch") and include the X-WOPI-Lock response header containing the value of the current lock on the file. In the case where the file is unlocked, the host must set X-WOPI-Lock to the empty string.
  3. If the file is unlocked, the host must check the current size of the file. If it is 0 bytes, the PutFile request should be considered valid and should proceed. If it is any value other than 0 bytes, or is missing altogether, the host should respond with 409 Conflict.
  4. In the case where the file is locked by a third-party client, hosts should still always include the current lock ID in the X-WOPI-Lock response header.
Name Description Type
file_id The file ID that must be URL safe. string
Query parameters
Name Description Type
access_token An access token that the host will use to determine whether the request is authorized. string
Request headers
Name Description Type Presence
X-WOPI-Override The requested operation from the WOPI server (PUT). string required
X-WOPI-Lock The lock ID that the host must use to identify the lock on the file. string optional
X-WOPI-Editors All the users who contributed changes to the document in this PutFile request (UserId values delimited by commas). string optional
X-LOOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser Indicates whether the user has modified the document before the save ("true"), or if they just pressed the Save button without any modification ("false"). string optional
X-LOOL-WOPI-IsAutosave Indicates whether the PutFile is triggered by autosave ("true") or by explicit user operation (Save button or menu entry) ("false"). string optional
X-LOOL-WOPI-IsExitSave Indicates whether an automatic save will be triggered when the document gets cleaned up from memory (e.g. when all users disconnect) ("true") or not ("false"). string optional
Request body

The request body must be the full binary contents of the file.

Response headers
Name Description Type Presence
X-WOPI-Lock The lock ID identifying the current lock on the file. This header must always be included when responding to the request with 409 Conflict. It should not be included when responding to the request with 200 OK. string optional
X-WOPI-LockFailureReason The cause of the lock failure. This header may be included when responding to the request with 409 Conflict. It must only be used for logging purposes. string optional
X-WOPI-ItemVersion The file version. string optional